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House Groups


Early Methodist gatherings were called ‘societies’.

John Wesley encouraged different kinds of small group to develop, so that both leaders and members of the societies could receive support and challenge in their faith.

These groups, called ‘classes’, met regularly, and the idea was to be accountable to each other about how each person was living the Christian life. So people had to be very open and willing to be changed by the experience.

In the twentieth century it became less common for classes to meet in this way but recently many Methodists have been trying to reclaim the tradition

The supportive small group has been found to be one of the most powerful ways for people to feel that they belong, and to learn, grow and expand their opportunities for Christian conversation about things that matter.

Oakwood Church – St. Catherine’s House Group

WhenAbout twice a month – days of the week vary
Where1 St Catherine’s Walk, Leeds LS8 1SB
ContactSusan Howdle or Susan Noble
CallSusan Noble 01937849679
Emailsusan.howdle@outlook.com or susan.noble49@gmail.com

Oakwood Church – Montagu Avenue House Group

WhenEvery other Thursday evening
WhereAsk Contact
ContactPaul Spencer
Call0113 260 9534
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