Oakwood Church is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults. It affirms that the needs of children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable and at risk are paramount. (Safeguarding Policy p. 2)
Safeguarding Policy and Code of Practice
Everyone at Oakwood Church involved with young people and vulnerable adults must comply with our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Practice, which is reviewed annually.
In practice, because some people have vulnerabilities that may not be visible to an observer, and because individuals are under no obligation to disclose their vulnerabilities, our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Practice applies to everyone and to everything done at or in the name of Oakwood Church.
Oakwood Church cannot be directly responsible for governing the behaviour of those to whom we Hire Rooms in the Oakwood Church building for private, commercial, charitable, community, social etc., activities but we require everyone involved in conducting such activities at Oakwood Church to be aware of the principles set out in the Safeguarding Policy and Code of Practice (below).
Please, immediately flag any Safeguarding concern and address any Safeguarding enquiry to our Church Safeguarding Adults Representative and Church Safeguarding Children Coordinator, who is:
Contact | Anne Kirkland |
Call | 0113 294 7249 |
thekirklandfamily@ntlworld.com |
If they can’t be reached immediately Contact either the Methodist Minister or the Anglican Vicar.