Roundhay Stroke Support Club
We are an independent, self-financing Club affiliated to the Stroke Association.

We welcome anyone who has had a stroke to join us, along with their partner/carer if they wish.
We offer help and encouragement by providing a variety of activities in a convivial and friendly atmosphere as well as the opportunity to meet and socialise with others in a similar situation.
Typically our meetings start with an informal mixture of dominoes, triominoes, chat round tables and some light refreshments. We then hold the activity of the day.
Here is our Latest Programme of activities.
When 13.30 to 15.30 Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month | Where New Room at Oakwood Church. |
To discover more please get in touch.
Contact | Jon Hart |
Call | 0113 240 1445 |
jhart.jon@gmail.com | |
Website | Roundhay Stroke Support Club at the Stroke Association |
https://www.facebook.com/TheStrokeAssociation | |
NHS | Stroke Recovery |
Roundhay Stroke Recovery Club is thankful for the practical support provided by Rotary Club of Roundhay whose volunteers help with setting up the venue and serving refreshments.