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Churches Together

Churches Together in Gipton had for some years been a united forum for Christian worship and mission around the Gipton area.

Three main churches were involved: Epiphany – Church of England; St Nicholas’ – Roman Catholic Church; and Gipton Methodist Church (now closed), as well as individual members from various other churches.

Together they developed a rich programme of united services, united lunches in Advent and Lent, various ‘gatherings’ to think about our Christian faith, occasional meetings and shared projects.

Just a mile north of Gipton, the Oakwood area also had a rich ecumenical life and history. For many years, Roundhay St John -Church of England and Roundhay Methodist Church had worked together to serve the local community. In 2013 these two churches became one congregation known as Oakwood Church. During the first year of the new church’s life much work was done to develop its identity and mission. Part of this is the desire to work with other Christians in the locality. It is important that as Christians we enjoy the blessings of sharing with other sisters and brothers in the wider body of Christ.

As a result of conversations between Oakwood Church and Churches Together in Gipton, in April 2015 it was decided by the committe of Churches Together in Gipton, to include Oakwood Church and become Churches Together in Gipton and Oakwood (CTGO).

To discover more, please:

Contact Rev. Dr George Bailey – CTGO Chair
Call0113 266 2066
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